Reg. Charity No. 1074204
Welcome to Cornilo RDA
Cornilo RDA is an independent charity and a member of The Riding for the Disabled Association and is run entirely by volunteers and funded by donations.
We provide horse riding opportunities for children and adults with various forms of learning disabilities as well as physical disabilities, with the expert guidance of our volunteers and qualified instructors.
All our riders are given individual tailored tuition and through the experience of riding on a horse their confidence and self esteem develop. The interaction with coaches and other riders provides an opportunity for building on social and communication skills as well as making new friends.
Riding for the Disabled helps people with many different disabilities.
These include people with intellectual and emotional disturbances, specific learning difficulties, injuries resulting from accidents, cerebral palsy, autism, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, visual/ hearing impairments etc.
Riding helps to improve co-ordination, balance, muscle development and fitness.
These assist greatly in the development of communicating skills, confidence, trust and self esteem. This in turn often encourages the disabled to try to achieve success in many other areas. Riding is FUN.
Benefits for disabled children
- Stimulates mental co-ordination
- Increases the rider's mobility and suppleness of body
- Teaches an awareness of the needs of animals and their relationships with people
- Strengthens muscles and improves posture
- Improves fitness and self confidence of the rider
- Provides a range of sensory experiences
- Encourages the rider to look forward to their riding lessons and their time spent in a different environment
Benefits for children with learning, emotional and behavioural difficulties
- Self-discipline and concentration
- It is an individual sport
- Children can pursue this on equal terms with peers
- It boosts confidence and self-esteem
- It takes place out of doors (when dry) all year
- The pony is non-judgemental
- Is not an activity many parents would choose
Vulnerable children
- Looked after children in Local Authority care
- Children from families experiencing trauma or bereavement
- Children with very low self-esteem or lacking in confidence
- Children caught up in different types of domestic tensions
What do we need to continue?
Volunteers on a Tuesday morning - Your Donations
Cornilo RDA is an independent charity and a member of The Riding for the Disabled Association and is run entirely by volunteers and funded by donations.
Cornilo RDA is based at:
The Stables
Sutton Court Farm
Forge Lane
Sutton - by - Dover
CT15 5DF
Telephone: 01304 380369